Monday, 29 September 2008

New Web Site

I have spent the last three weeks creating a new web-site. I could not find a template I wanted to use, so I have built it from scratch. I made one with some bluegreen pattern first, but I think the colors stole a lot of attention from the pictures. So I removed all the backgrounds except for a narrow stripe from my peacock painting and I am much more pleased with this version.
My good quilting friend Gwen in Ohio has edited the site "About me". She did a wonderful job rewriting some of what I had written. It's great to have such good friends!

The link to the English site is:

Jeg har brukt de tre siste ukene til å lage en hjemmeside. Jeg fant ingen mal jeg kunne tenke meg å bruke, jeg har bygd den opp fra bunnen. Jeg laget først en med et blågrønt design, men jeg følte at det stal for mye oppmerksomhet fra bildene. derfor fjernet jeg all farge bortsett fra en smal stripe fra peacock bildet og ble mer fornøyd med den versjonen. Her er linken til den norske siden:


  1. I like your new website. It looks great. I don't know if this is in the translation or not but in english the copyright sentence says no pictures must be copied... instead of no pictures may be copied... also on your home page there is a spacing problem between words. Great job!
    Jan in Western NC, USA

  2. Thank you for telling me, Jan! That's what friends are for :-)
