Thursday, 25 June 2009

Tango finished - finally!

At last Tango is finished! It has been a long journey from the first image in my head to this final quilt. I have to thank the photographer Guido Gayk for letting me use his picture of Nicole Nau and Luis Pereyra as an inspiration for this quilt. The background and the accordion-player are from several different pictures that I put together and changed a lot to get it as I wanted.
I have not used so much of my own dyed fabric this time, but the skin tones are mine. I like to use a LOT of shades and tones for the faces. I love multicolored batik. The house in the background is actually made from only one piece of fabric. Amazing, isn't it?
The Tango will first be shown at The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England in August.

Endelig er Tango ferdig! Det har vært en lang reise fra det første bildet jeg hadde i hodet til den ferdige quilten. Først må jeg få takke fortografen Guido Gayk for at han lot meg få bruke bildet av Nicole Nau og Luis Pereyra som inspirasjon til denne quilten. Bakgrunnen og trekkspilleren er fra flere forskjellige fotografier som jeg har satt sammen og endret masse for å få det som jeg ønsket.

Jeg har ikke brukt så mange av mine egne håndfargede stoffer denne gangen, men hudtonene er mine egne. Jeg liker å bruke MANGE toner og nyanser når jeg lager ansikter. Jeg elsker mangefarget batikk. Huset i bakgrunnen er laget av det samme stykke stoff. Ganske fantastisk, ikke sant?

Tango vil først bli vist på The Festival of Quilts i Birmingham i England i august.

Here is a detail of the couple. You can see a larger picture if you click on it.
The whole piece is quite heavily quilted and after advice from a very good quilting friend, I have done more quilting on the faces too this time. I had over all a hard time to get all this fabric inside my domestic machine and promised that this was the last time. Therefore the quilting system in the previous post :-)
Her er et detaljbilde av paret. Du kan se et større bilde ved å klikke på det.
Hele bildet er ganske tett quiltet og etter råd fra en meget god quiltevenninne har jeg quiltet mer på ansiktene denne gangen. Jeg slet virkelig for å få quiltet dette bildet på en vanlig symaskin og lovet meg selv at dette var siste gangen. Derfor quiltesysteme i den forrige posten :-)
Here is a detail of the hands. It takes a lot of pieces to get the right impression. BUT - that's how I like to work. I have no idea how many small pieces this quilt contains of.
Now it time for som fun and play. I'm signed up for a Shibori II dyeing class at Quilt University and I need to dye some more flesh tones for the next project.
Her er en detalj av hendene. Det trengs mange biter får å få det riktige uttrykket. MEN - det er slik jeg liker å jobbe. Jeg har ingen anelse om hvor mange små biter denne quilten består av.
Nå er det tid for litt lek og moro. Jeg har meldt meg på et fargekurs, Shibori II ved Quilt University og jeg trenger også å farge flere hudtoner til neste prosjekt.


  1. Det er fantastisk flot, glæder mig til at se det i Birmingham.
    Jeg er næsten færdig med mit bidrag, men det er langt fra på niveau med dit meget fine tæppe

  2. Det er hyggelig at du liker det! Jeg skulle gjerne sett ditt bilde, men jeg skal dessverre ikke til Birmingham i år.
    Vi var forresten i Ebeltoft for en uke side. Vår datter giftet seg med sin danske samboer i rådhuset der. De bodde syv år i Horsens før de flyttet hit til Norge for tre år siden. Jeg skal poste noen bilder her senere.

  3. Oh WOW!!! This piece turned out wonderful. What an artist you are. Congratulations.

  4. Thank you so much, Brigitte :-)

  5. Bente, Tango is gorgeous! Looking forward to being in class with you (Shibori II at QU).

  6. Thank you so much, Suzanne! I'm looking foreward to be in the Shibori II class with you, too! Marjie's classes are always so much fun :-)

  7. Så flott bilde! Syr du rundt hver fargebit? Skulle gjerne sett dette på nært hold ja!

  8. Hyggelig at du liker bildet, Lise!
    Du får stikke innom :-)
    Jeg syr zikzak rundt hver eneste lille bit, ja!

  9. Hi Bente,

    Congratulations on finishing Tango! It is a stunning quilt! Really beautiful. Great job, Bente. And congratulations on your QU quilt show award - I voted for you :)!!

    Have a great summer.

    Kristin F. in SC

  10. Thank you so much, Kristin! And thank you for your vote :-) I hope I'll "see" you in a class again.

  11. It is breathtaking! Wow!!! Congratulations on this newest masterpiece

  12. Thank you so much, Karen:-) Tango is on its way to The Festival of Quilts in England just now. We'll see what the European judges thinks of it!
    Congratulations with Temptation! I think I know how you feel about being on that site. I had a similar feeling when I discovered that my Swan Lake was in Bonny McCaffery's vidcast from The Festival of Quilts in 2007!

  13. WOW!! I have just seen this wonderful quilt at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham and been blown away by it. It is even more amazing seeing it first hand! Congratulations!

  14. Just saw your amazing quilt at the Festival of Quilts - wow !!!

  15. Thank you so much both of you! I'm only sorry I didn't have the oppotunity to go to Birmingham myself this year.

  16. I love your quilt it's wonderful.... I have one question if you don't mind me asking How did you do that wonderful brick wall....I'm working on a quilt one of the things I want to do is build a brick wall, your wall is terrific it the best I've ever seen.. I have made wall before but not like your....Please do share. the quilt I'm making is part of a challenge entitled what I hope and wish for 2010, it has to measure 20 x 10. I hope for peace and understanding. My quilt is a brick wall with some brick showing war time pictures from all four major wars in the USA. It will have a tall daisy in the middle. The daisy was the simple of peace in the sixty. Once I love looking at your question thank you for share your work
    here is my email if you wish to reach me..
    thank you again
